Astrology • 7 year cycles • Metaphysical Anatomy/ANCESTRAL WOMB HEALING
Cosmic Mapping is for those ready to witness how their Astrological Chart and physical body is interlinked beyond space and time. It is for those ready to close out ancestral trauma patterns and see just how brilliantly the body communicates in cycles through symptoms & injuries.
This offering includes 3 separate sessions over a 3 week period for 90 minutes each. After your first session we will schedule your next two.
During our time together I will teach you how to read your Astrological Chart in such a way that shifts perspective of some of the harder times within your life, brings clarity and hopefully compassion towards yourself.
We will discuss the transformative power within each 7 year cycle of your life and how to move forward in assisting your physical body’s healing process as you end generational patterns.
Your Investment: $400
For 6 weeks we will get on a 90 minute Zoom call per week to begin the process of mapping your cosmic blueprint and physical body traumas.
During our time together I will teach you how to read your Astrological Chart in such a way that shifts perspective of some of the harder times within your life, brings clarity and hopefully compassion towards yourself.
We will discuss the transformative power within each 7 year cycle of your life and how to move forward in assisting your physical body’s healing process as you end generational patterns.
Your Investment: $777
2 Week Session Offerings
These 2 sessions will specifically focus on Cosmic Mapping your Dharma (purpose) by focusing on your Nodes, Jupiter, Sun, Ascendant, MC and Uranus. Together we will map your 7 year cycles and see how the school of life has been preparing you for BIG leaps of faith into the unknown.
These 2 sessions will specifically focus on Cosmic Mapping the Gut/Stomach health and issues, Womb Health (Endometriosis, Cysts, Fibroids, PCOS) & Lineage Healing. Specifically with your line of the matriarchy. We will focus on the 4th, 8th and 12th houses. (Virgo, Scorpio, Cancer, Taurus)
These 2 sessions will specifically focus on Cosmic Mapping the Mother and Father dynamic/wounding within your experience. We will focus on the 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 12th houses, your Moon placements, Uranus, South Node & Pluto.
“Our astrological chart and physical body are interlinked beyond SPACE & TIME. The human body and planetary placements are communicating with us through CYCLES & SYMPTOMS. Clues in plain sight for those willing to consciously dive within to UNCOVER what has been avoided, ignored, or has yet to be accessed.”
Cosmic Mapping is a term I use to describe the integrative work of using your Astrological Blueprint to navigate through stored emotions, lineage healing and physical body pain. Each zodiac sign rules over specific body parts. We call this focus Medical Astrology.
We then map out your experience in cycles of 7 which highlights your growth, maturity and inner evolution. Then we dive deeper into Metaphysical Anatomy and German New Medicine in order to observe the intricate links and patterns of relational traumas that cause illness and dis-ease. Some call this our Karma.
Physiological Embodiment means we learn to trust our body’s ability to shift, move and heal itself as it was designed. Just as a woman’s body contracts and a baby is born through its intelligence. We don’t tell our uterus to contract with our mind or our heart to beat with cognitive thought. This happens because of the body’s coded intelligence and our ability to surrender to this process without allowing the mind to take control.
You made a "blueprint" before you came onto this planet. Your Astrological Chart is a tool to add into your “tool box” towards remembrance and deep self-discovery.
Astrology is the study of cycles. And within these cycles we find periods of significance, change and internal evolution. During these sessions we will focus on cycles of 7.
Rudolf Steiner, seer and philosopher, brought forth the concept of the 7-year cycle of life. A period by which our body develops, generating changes that will be passed on to the next. This cycle is characterized by the changes that take place in our body, in our mind and, consequently, in our life.
We will map and focus on these time periods of change, injury, family traumas, illness and evolutionary self-discovery.
Years 0-7 | 14-21 | 28-35 | 42-49 | 56-63 | 70-77
German New Medicine (GNM) and the Five Biological Laws (
“German New Medicine is not only a new paradigm of medicine, it is also a new consciousness. It is the awareness that our organism possesses an inexhaustible creativity and remarkable self-healing capabilities. It is the recognition that each cell of our body is endowed with a biological wisdom we share with all living beings.”
Listening to the body speak through dis-ease, in my opinion, is the future of healing without invasive procedures and overly medicating to feel temporary relief. There is a place for Allopathic Medicine when used for deepening our understanding of the human body and not financial gain. I wouldn’t go to my Chiropractor to set a broken bone. But I would however pay attention to the “break in a relationship” this event mirrors.
Feeling and seeing patterns through information the body delivers, is a pathway of finalizing trauma cycles. This is the work that brings us forth into deeper levels of emotional intelligence.
It is my belief that a deeper practice of embodiment, radical accountability and emotional intelligence will shift the planet.
step one
Astrology Blueprint
We begin by looking at your astrological placements and patterns of karma. We then create intentional movement toward your dharma. Every sign rules body parts and points to where we store pain, resistance, and trauma. When these areas of our life are highlighted in our growth cycles, our body shows us a healing phase. Modern medicine calls this a symptoms, or worse, a diagnosis.
step Two
7 Year Cycles
We begin by tracking your past injuries, diagnoses, family traumas/stories, bodily discomfort, and irregularities in cycles of seven. Within the study of German New Medicine, we call this “The Healing Phase” of a conflict that was unexpected and jolting. We map the stories and traumas within seven year cycles of our evolutionary process within this lifetime. For women, direct areas of focus are the breast, throat, stomach, and womb.
step Three
Body & Emotions
We then dive into metaphysical anatomy and the link between our emotions and body. The body is a brilliant creation that shows us symptoms as a response to unresolved conflict, patterns, and trauma. These symptoms can be our path to healing, if we choose to pivot the way we view illness and injury. The body carries emotions and we can intentionally address each area for regeneration and healing.
My role is to hold space by a remembered ability to guide through pattern recognition and intuitive feeling of energy which I have formed through life experiences, diving down my own inner rabbit holes and evidence based experiences through observation, illness, injury & inner wisdom. I feel what someone means, rather than what I hear them say.
are you ready…
…to find acceptance and inner peace for all you’ve experienced emotionally and physically?
…to remember how brilliantly intertwined your astrological blueprint is with your physical body?
…to learn how to trust yourself fully and listen more intimately to the language your body is constantly speaking to you?
A focus on the physiology of the Uterus, Ovaries and the stored trauma/emotions a woman carries within the lower portion of her abdominal area. A main focus may include: menstrual cycle regulation and eliminating synthetic hormone intake, PCOS, birth trauma, breast cancer, cysts, fibroids, endometriosis and painful sex.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and I do not diagnose or specifically tell you to stop medications. My role is to present alternative modalities, plans and information. As well as, trauma and emotional related links to certain illness and dis-ease.
Evolutionary Astrology embraces paradigms and methodologies which specifically measure the growth of the soul from life to life. These methods invariably focus on the planet Pluto and its relationship to the Moon's nodal axis. While it is composed of a set of specific formal methodologies, evolutionary astrology is ultimately characterized less by a technical approach than by a set of philosophical principles defined by natural law.
Different evolutionary astrologers may use somewhat different interpretive methods, but they can always be recognized by a devotion to the following core perceptions:
1. An acceptance of the fact that human beings incarnate in a succession of lifetimes.
2. An acceptance of the fact that the birth chart reflects the evolutionary condition of the soul at the moment of incarnation.
3. An acceptance of the fact that the birth chart reflects the evolutionary intentions of the soul for the present life.
4. An acceptance of the fact that the circumstances of the present life, both materially and psychologically, do not arise randomly, but rather reflect the evolutionary intentions and necessities of the soul.
5. An acceptance of the fact that human beings interact creatively and unpredictably with their birth charts; that all astrological symbols are multi-dimensional and are modulated into material and psychic expression by the consciousness of the individual.
6. An acceptance of the fact that human beings are responsible for the realities they experience, both internally and externally.
7. A respectful intention to accept and support a person seeking astrological help, no matter the evolutionary state in which such an individual finds himself or herself.
Copyright 2000, Steven Forrest and Jeffrey Wolf Green
Cacao, Damiana, Psilocybin and Hapé.
A Jungian term: Shadow Work is the process of diving into the subconscious, or the “unknown” side of oneself, in order to address unconscious patterning. This process is for those who are ready to take the leap, speak to their inner child and learn how to release past circumstances with acceptance, compassion & love.
My focus is on Physiological Birthing as a Doula. This means I help women prepare mentally and physically for birth through somatic techniques such as movement, breath work and shadow work. This is to prepare her body and address fears before labor so she can trust her ability to birth naturally and without force. I studied under Whapio with The Matrona.
The wounds and programs we carry through our lineage show up in our body, the lifestyle/patterns we accept, scarcity mentality and lack of physical self-worth. Together we map the stories and shift perspective through emotionally intelligent action steps and acceptance.
Britt makes it her mission to emphasize the importance of following your own inner guidance system. She is here for love, insight and to help you shift effortlessly out of resistance through pattern recognition and mind/body healing. She focuses on the energy that helps each individual dive into their emotional body and remember their inner power. Allowing for the integration of our individual energies of all aspects of duality to intertwine and become more balanced. Each session will vary depending on what the individual's needs are. Britt does not believe in talk therapy as a way to solely clear patterned thoughts/behaviors. She believes in a Somatic approach for long lasting shifts.