Sagittarius sun

3rd house, conjunct Uranus

Libra Rising

1st house with Mars & Pluto

Scorpio Moon

2nd house conjunct Mercury

Generator 2/4

Triple split, Quad Right, Right Angle Cross of Rulership


Hey Y’all,

Within the space I hold, my intention is to form a cocoon for women to feel as though they can unfold fully. To sit long enough to remember that we can trust our own heart and create boundaries through unwavering discernment and bold audacity. Very Midheaven in Cancer energy.

Through healing my own womb from a traumatic birth, years of handing my body over without pause, healing after a Thyroid removal and ending my relationship with birth control- I am now able to help women navigate through these beautiful life lessons.

Over the last 12+ years I have studied Evolutionary Astrology and created holistic based workshops and retreats across the USA. As of 5 years ago I began practicing as a physiological focused Holistic Birth Doula and a Plant Medicine Space Holder. Two very similar types of beginnings and endings that I feel extremely grateful to witness. I currently live in Oklahoma with my son Justice, old man Pug named Boo Boo and giant Great Pyrenees Bear.

I am a mirror to remind you to no longer be afraid of your own voice.

Every word you speak, choice you lean into, co-creative connection you make and individual you have shared your body with is apart of your journey. Some experiences we must have in order to lead us down a path that jolts us awake. My role is to remind you how to tap into your own connection with God(dess) wisdom by exiting victimhood.

I use tools that anchor us into the Now and our own inner wisdom, which will become increasingly unveiled for us to feel as we trust our inner being more and more.

These tools include:

• Astrological Insights

• Intuitive Mentorship + Channeling Practices

• Metaphysical Anatomy + Medical Astrology

• Shadow Work + Womb Healing

• Sound Healing

• Animal + Nature Communication



  • "Ah, Britt is magic! I reached out to her during a trying time in my life. She creates a safe and inviting environment, while guiding you to step back and take an overview of your current life. Through working with her, it quickly became clear that I needed to dig deeper inside myself to unlease old wounds I had been holding onto. I was instantly impressed with her ability to get to the root of my issues through thoughtful conversation and knowledge."

    -Roiya S.

  • “Britt is a gifted intuitive who is able to connect to that invisible sea of energy from which she provides guidance. Her bold, raw approach can provide a new perspective you may be looking for. She operates from a place of love and compassion. ”

    -Elle B.

  • “The 405 is blessed to have a powerhouse healer in Brittany. When you are ready to face your deepest shadows & blocks, and flip the inner script to level up to a new empowering paradigm for yourself, you can trust she will guide you through the transformative process with compassion, grace, deep ancient wisdom, and love. She is an extraordinary gifted teacher and space holder. My inner and outer life has been made measurably better by working with her this year. I am deeply grateful."

    -Gina M.

  • “I attended Britt’s Cord Cutting workshop, which brought transformational healing to me while I was coping with a devastating heartbreak. It was as if together we unearthed boulders of pain and pushed them out into the sea. Britt has an extraordinary gift for guiding women to claim and call on their own divine power. I have learned so much from her in this workshop as well as the other sessions she facilitates.”

    -Molly O.

  • "Britt is so raw, real, and able to get down and touch the heart of a matter. Her no nonsense way of being one with spirit and keeping it human all at once, is refreshing in a world where so many want to keep it light; avoiding the shadow work necessary to feel whole in this human experience. She called me out on something very personal that I'd been holding onto and now I can do the work to let it go."

    -Jenifer S.

  • "There is no one better than Britt to help guide you to truth by showing you the B.S. you are contending with. Her energy puts you at ease and opens you up to new perspectives. She is genuine and encourages you to be you. I can dispense with my masks- lay myself wide open- and know that I am secure and safe in her presence. By allowing me to be me- unafraid- has led me to recognize the true power that lies dormant within me., and the love that resides in each and every person."

    -Mario R.